Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Been a little MIA

The family has had a BUG.  and YUCK!!  YUCK !! YUCK!!

Thankfully almost everyone is on the mend.  With hopes that my daughter will be 100%  ASAP.
I am looking to get the family on an Elderberry extract.   I am hearing amazing things about this stuff.
it even is supposed to help heal from viruses.   It is said to boost the immune system.  and help with all sorts of things.   I am hoping that this can also help my children with their asthma.

It is time to kick it up a notch..   My husband who has been working so many hours is it ridiculous
was talking about his diet in the morning and at lunch..  and was wanting to make it healthier..  so I am going to cook breakfast for the family every morning, pack him a lunch and a morning snack..
Diet is so important.   You need to have the right fuel in your body.  to get it done.

So this morning I made Luke a 4 egg white, 2 egg scramble with peppers, orange and green.
(it was what I had in the house)

For a morning snack  I packed him,  2 hard boiled eggs and a Lara Bar.

For Lunch I made him a Grilled chicken salad.
8 oz of grilled chicken with tons of mixed leafy greens,
jicama,  (see picture) ..  peppers, snap peas
and rice wine vinegar . 

Oh and I also included some almonds for a healthy fat.


  1. Nice work, I am a nutritionist and a personal trainer, way to include healthy protein and lots of color with your veggies, I feel healthy just reading what you ate. I think I will do a health post on my blog soon- thanks for the inspiration

  2. My hubby is taking that extract right now for a viral infection and it is really helping him!

    Sending healing your way!


    @ Pam That extract is AWESOME!
